• Link a video, put in a mini-dispensary guide

  • You must be 21 and older to shop Recreationally in Colorado. It is illegal to give or sell retail marijuana to minors.

  • At Kaya, we are currently accepting cash and debit cards. There are ATMs onsite at every location. NO credit cards are allowed. The way that it works is that marijuana is still federally illegal, therefore we have to use something called Cashless ATMs. On your bank statement it will show as an ATM Withdrawal rather than a merchant-based transaction, so it doesn’t flag for a marijuana transaction.

  • Acceptable forms of ID:

    • Operators, Chauffer’s or similar State-Issued Driver’s License within the United States OR any U.S. territory (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands)

    • State-Issued Identification Card

    • Passport Book

    • Passport Card

    • Active Military ID (must include picture and birth date)

    • United States Native American Tribe Card

    • Any state-issued temporary driver’s license or identification card paperwork with the voided or expired ID (CO Temps we can accept WITHOUT prev ID)

    Unacceptable/Invalid Forms of Identification

    • Employment Authorization Card

    • Government Agency ID

    • Offender ID Card

    • International ID Card

    • Hunting & Fishing License

    • Concealed Carry Permit

    • Voided identification of any kind

    • Expired identification of any kind

  • At this moment, all dispensaries in Colorado have to sell products with at least 0.1 milligrams of THC. No products sold in store at the moment are recommended for pets. If you are looking into CBD for your pet, we recommend checking out this website to make an informed decision! https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/cbd-oil-dogs/

  • Only licensed retail marijuana stores and licensed retail marijuana hospitality and sales establishments can sell retail marijuana to individuals 21 or older. To purchase medical marijuana, a person must obtain a medical marijuana registry identification card from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Medical marijuana patients can obtain marijuana from a licensed medical marijuana store, a primary caregiver, or a private home grow. Medical marijuana patients can purchase marijuana from licensed retail marijuana stores in the quantities allowed by state law.

  • To define recreational, consider the root word “recreation” which means an activity done for enjoyment. Anytime you smoke a joint for pleasure, rather than for medicinal benefits, you are using cannabis in a recreational way.

  • Under Colorado state law, there is no federal government requirement for dispensaries to ask for customer information other than the consumer's age. The scanning system is used to verify that your ID is accurate and to provide your name and DOB (to ensure that you are 21 years of age minimum) to our Point of Sale system. We do not share information with law enforcement or government agencies without a warrant.

  • Colorado does not offer reciprocity to out-of-state patients; however, if you are over the age of 21, you will be able to shop at one of the state's recreational adult-use dispensaries.

  • Recreational cannabis sales tax in 2023 is 26.4% in Denver County

    Medical cannabis sales tax in 2023 is 8.8% in Denver County

    Sales tax differs by county.

  • Make an appointment with your MMJ Doctor.

    Go to the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry login page and to log into your account: https://medicalmarijuana.colorado.gov.

    • After you log into your account, click on Pending Renewal.

    • If your card has already expired, the status will say “Expired” instead. Click on Expired.

    • Scroll towards the bottom of the page and then click on Save & Start Renewal Application

    • Review all of the information on the application and ensure it is up to date

    • Towards the bottom check the Issue and Expiration dates of your Colorado ID.

    • Next, if you have not previously uploaded a picture of your ID, click Browse to do so.

    • If you’re on a phone or a tablet, after you click Browse, select your device’s Camera App, and take a picture of your ID. Ensure all FOUR corners of your ID are in the picture and it is clear and LEGIBLE. Next, enter your full name, and then, finally, click on

    • Save & Submit Patient Application.

    • From here you will be taken to the Physician Certification (PC) page. Save your PC to your device for the dispensary you sign your plants over to!

  • This depends on how you are consuming; flower, dabs or edibles.

    With smoking flower, whether out of papers or bowls, the mg per hit depends on the THC %. For example, if you have cannabis testing at 18%, you have about 180mg of THC total. Burning the weed (combustion) loses about 60% of the mg of THC. With that in mind, you can expect a full gram bowl/joint to deliver a total of 18mg of THC after that 60% loss. The higher the testing, the more these numbers increase.

    • Edibles are the only consumption method with a sure measurable dose ranging from 0.1mg - 10mg per single edible and capped at 100mg on Recreational. This has a variance of +/- 5mg.

    Medical doses range from 0.1mg-500mg per single dose. Medical edibles are not capped for the full package. They range from 10mg-2000mg .

    Dabs and vaporizers deliver more THC per gram than smoking because no combustion takes place. The mg per hit depends on the quality of the device and the size of your dab. If you are using a device such as a Volcano or a Puffco with a dab size of about half of a pot seed, you are looking at a 70% yield of your THC, resulting in about 20mg per hit. A small dab is about equivalent of a modest 2-person bowl.

  • An eighth (1/8) weighs at 3.5g

    A quarter (1/4) weighs at 7g

    A half ounce (1/2) weighs at 14g

    A full ounce weighs out at 28g

  • Adults 21 and older can purchase up to 1 ounce of retail marijuana, 8 grams of retail marijuana concentrate, or marijuana products containing up to 800 milligrams of THC in a single transaction. A single transaction includes multiple sales to the same customer during a single business day.Medical marijuana patients can purchase up to 2 ounces of medical marijuana, 8 grams of marijuana concentrate, or marijuana products containing up to 20,000 milligrams of THC in a single transaction. A single transaction includes multiple sales to the same customer during a single business day.

  • Adults 21 and older can possess up to 2 ounces of retail marijuana. Medical marijuana patients can possess up to two ounces of medical marijuana.

  • For a Medical Marijuana doctor, we recommend Doctors of Natural Medicine. This Medical Marijuana Doctor is a premier Medical Marijuana Clinic connecting patients to qualified physicians evaluating them for a Colorado medical card.

  • No. It is illegal to take marijuana across state lines. Denver International Airport prohibits marijuana on its property.‌

  • No. It is illegal to take marijuana across state lines. Denver International Airport prohibits marijuana on its property.

  • Yes. Marijuana can be carried in cars but it cannot be in an open container and cannot cross state lines. It is illegal to use or consume marijuana in a motor vehicle. It is illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana.

  • In a private residence (only if allowed by the property owner), in a licensed marijuana hospitality business, or in a licensed retail marijuana hospitality and sales business. You cannot consume marijuana in a place that is observable by the public or to which the public has access without restriction. This includes, but is not limited to, indoor spaces such as the common areas of buildings and facilities, hotel rooms, businesses that are not licensed for marijuana consumption, streets and highways, transportation facilities, places of amusement, parks, and playgrounds.